Comprehensive Oral Exam Questions


The following list of questions is designed to help focus and direct your study efforts for the comprehensive exam portion of the Milestone course. In many cases, the questions ask you to apply the principles to the specifics of your team project. Even for those questions which are more general in nature, you are encouraged to think about how the question or topic applies to your project, as that will form the basis of the examination.

The Questions

The questions are grouped by prerequisite course and relevant week to help you find the source material that will help you formulate good answers to the questions. We strongly advise you to study the material rather than just jump to the conclusion that you have already mastered it.

SIADS 501: Being a Data Scientist

Week 1

Question 501.1.1

What is the four-stage pipeline and how does it apply to your project?

Week 2

Question 501.2.1

Explain how the law of small numbers applies to the work you did for your project.

Question 501.2.2

What sources of bias did you identify in your project?

Question 501.2.3

To what degree did you follow the “10 Rules for Creating Reproducible Results in Data Science” in your project work?

Question 501.2.4

How did you apply data cleaning principles in your project?

Week 3

Question 501.3.1

Are there places where overfitting may have played a role in your analyses?

Question 501.3.2

What is cross-validation?

Question 501.3.3

What is p-hacking and does it apply to your project work?

Question 501.3.4

What is the relationship between correlation and causation?

Week 4

Question 501.4.1

How did you engage in the process of storytelling when producing your project report?

Question 501.4.2

Discuss the role of uncertainty in your project.

SIADS 503: Data Science Ethics

Week 1

Question 503.1.1

List 5 misconceptions about data science ethics and explain how each of them might apply to your project.

Question 503.1.2

Comment on the importance of data privacy in your project work.

Week 2

Question 503.2.1

Describe how your project could be used as a case study about bias.

Question 503.2.2

With respect to Data Provenance, Aggregation, and Trust, what does your project “leave out”?

Week 3

Question 503.3.1

Discuss issues around data provenance with respect to the data you used for your project.

Question 503.3.2

What role does trust play in the analyses that you did for your project?

Week 4

Question 503.4.1

Comment on issues arising from the publication of results stemming from your project.

SIADS 505: Data Manipulation

Week 1

Question 505.1.1

Describe how regular expressions can be used to analyze text-based data.

Question 505.1.2

Describe some of the functionality that NumPy provides and explain how it is related to the pandas library.

Question 505.1.3

Provide an example of how you can use the NumPy library in the analysis of your project data.

Question 505.1.4

What are some of the challenges associated with using NumPy?

Week 2

Question 505.2.1

Describe the pandas Series and DataFrame objects and explain how they are related to each other.

Question 505.2.2

How does indexing work with pandas DataFrames and Series? Provide examples of indexing that you used in your project.

Question 505.2.3

List different ways to deal with missing values and explain when each of those is appropriate. Provide examples from your project of how you either had to, or, if you didn’t have missing values, how you would have, dealt with missing values.

Question 505.2.4

What are some common techniques that you use to manipulate pandas data structures.

Week 3

Question 505.3.1

Describe how you used merging or joining in your project. Suggest ways in which the merging could have been made more efficient.

Question 505.3.2

How do/did you decide to use group by when performing exploratory data analysis. What are some characteristics of variables that you can use to group by?

Question 505.3.3

Pivot tables are often used to summarize data. Describe the process of taking data in “long” form and using a pivot table to convert it to “wide” form.

Question 505.3.4

Time series functionality in pandas allows you to “upscale” and “downscale” time-based data. Explain how these functions work and indicate when it’s appropriate to use them.

Week 4

Question 505.4.1

Describe the process of generating hypotheses, including how you come up with a null hypothesis. Why are null hypotheses used?

Question 505.4.2

A t-test is often used to look for differences between two groups. What are some of the assumptions about the data that need to be met in order to conduct a statistically valid t-test.

Question 505.4.3

Explain what p-hacking is and why it’s a bad thing.

Question 505.4.4

The scipy package, while providing some useful statistical functionality, isn’t as widely used one might think. Suggest reasons why that’s the case.

SIADS 511: SQL and Databases

Week 1

Question 511.1.1

How would you set up a database to store the data that you used in your proejct?

Question 511.1.2

Why do we use indexes with databases?

Question 511.1.3

Provide an example of an AUTO_INCREMENT field that you might use with the data from your project.

Question 511.1.4

What are some common data types in SQL databases?

Week 2

Question 511.2.1

What’s the difference between a primary key and a logical key?

Question 511.2.2

What does database normalization mean and why is it important?

Question 511.2.3

Describe how you would use a JOIN statement to combine data from two tables.

Question 511.2.4

How do you model a many-to-many relationship in a SQL database?

Week 3

Question 511.3.1

Give an example of how transactions are useful for mitigating problem associated with concurrency.

Question 511.3.2

What are stored procedures? Give an example of a stored procedure that you might have found useful in your project if you had used a SQL database to store your data.

Question 511.3.3

What are subqueries and when should they be used?

Question 511.3.4

Provide an example of a GROUP BY statement that could be used in your project if your data was stored in a SQL database.

Week 4

Question 511.4.1

Describe some ways to store text data in SQL databases.

Question 511.4.2

What are some common functions that can be applied to text data in SQL databases?

Question 511.4.3

What is a b-tree index?

Question 511.4.4

Show how regular expressions can be used with SQL databases.

SIADS 515: Efficient Data Processing

Week 1: Linux command line

Question 515.1.1

How would you explain what the linux CLI is to someone new to data science?

Question 515.1.2

What are some of the more common CLI commands?

Question 515.1.3

What are some of the difficulties associated with using the CLI?

Question 515.1.4

Describe ways in which you could have (or did) use the linux command line in your project.

Week 2

Question 515.2.1

Describe some of the common Jupyter magic commands and identify those which have proved to be useful to you in your work to date.

Question 515.2.2

Look at the code that you used for your project and see if you can identify at least one place where you either used or could have used a generator.

Question 515.2.3

Recall the use of decorators and suggest at least one place in your code where you could use this approach.

Question 515.2.4

Caching involves storing the results of a deterministic function (i.e. given an input, the output is exactly the same each time the function is called). Identify one place in your code where you used a function and indicate why you did or did not use caching.

Week 3

Question 515.3.1

While developing your code for the project there were likely times that your code didn’t work, or didn’t work as expected. Describe the process you followed to fix the problem(s) with your code.

Question 515.3.2

Suggest some reasons why print debugging, while common, may not be the best approach.

Question 515.3.3

JupyterLab provides access to a debugger but it isn’t commonly used. Propose reasons why that’s the case and suggest ways in which the debugger could be changed to make it more accessible.

Question 515.3.4

One of the more common errors is the syntax error. Sometimes, syntax errors are accompanied by a statement like “missing : “. Explain why, if python knows what’s missing, it can’t simply fix the problem for you.

Week 4

Question 515.4.1

Why do we care about code complexity?

Question 515.4.2

Identify places in your code where the complexity of your approach resulted in suboptimal efficiency. Propose ways in which you could have improved your code.

Question 515.4.3

Jupyter notebooks promote a fragmented approach to coding, with each cell being executed independently of others. Explain why this promotes inefficient code design and suggest ways to promote the creation of efficient code.

Question 515.4.4

Explain how source code for underlying libraries such as pandas, numpy, and scipy can be examined to understand how the underlying operations are coded.

SIADS 516: Big Data: Scalable Data Processing

Week 1

Question 516.1.1

What are the characteristics of Big Data?

Question 516.1.2

What is map reduce and how can it be used to help analyze Big Data?

Question 516.1.3

What are some advantages and limitations of using distributed computing?

Question 516.1.4

Provide a description of Hadoop and explain why it’s a reasonable choice for analyzing Big Data.

Week 2

Question 516.2.1

What is Apache Spark?

Question 516.2.2

How do Resilient Distributed Datasets facilitate the use of distributed computing?

Question 516.2.3

How do Pair RDDs differ from plain RDDs, and why is that important?

Question 516.2.4

What are some limitations of using RDDs?

Week 3

Question 516.3.1

What are Spark DataFrames?

Question 516.3.2

Describe how Spark DataFrames can be used for the manipulation and analysis of structured data.

Question 516.3.3

What are user-defined functions and when is it appropriate to use them?

Question 516.3.4

What are some limitations of using Spark DataFrames?

Week 4

Question 516.4.1

Describe how Spark SQL works and explain why it is sometimes advantageous to use it.

Question 516.4.2

Describe, using an example, of how Spark DataFrames can be merged or joined using Spark SQL.

Question 516.4.3

How do user-defined functions (UDFs) work in Spark SQL and explain how they differ from UDFs from the previous week.

Question 516.4.4

Describe a scenario where you would interchange data between Spark and Pandas.

SIADS 521: Visual Exploration of Data

Week 1

Question 521.1.1

What is matplotlib?

Question 521.1.2

Describe how you could use matplotlib to create a histogram of some data that you used in your project.

Question 521.1.3

Create a boxplot of one of the variables from your data.

Question 521.1.4

Create a univariate plot of your choice and annotate something noteworthy in your plot.

Week 2

Question 521.2.1

What is meant by “the computational narrative”? How did you create a computational narrative in your project work?

Question 521.2.2

Demonstrate the effect of changing the number of bins in a histogram of one of your variables.

Question 521.2.3

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using violin plots?

Question 521.2.4

Show how a probability plot can be used to gain insights about any of the variables you used in your project.

Week 3

Question 521.3.1

What sorts of data are suitable for use in heat maps?

Question 521.3.2

What are tree maps used for?

Question 521.3.3

Demonstrate the use of a SPLOM with data from your project.

Week 4

Question 521.4.1

What are some advantages and drawbacks of using 3D plots?

Question 521.4.2

What is autocorrelation and how can visualization be used to detect it?

Question 521.4.3

Describe some of the challenges associated with using geographic maps as visualizations.

SIADS 522: Information Visualization I

Week 1

Question 522.1.1

What is Anscombe’s Quartet and why is it important in visualization?

Question 522.1.2

Who is Edward Tufte and why is he important in visualization?

Question 522.1.3

What is the block model and how might it apply to the work you did in your project?

Week 2

Question 522.2.1

What are nominal, ordinal and quantitative data types? Provide examples from your project.

Question 522.2.2

In visualization, what does “encoding” mean?

Question 522.2.3

In visualization, what do “expressiveness” and “effectiveness” mean?

Question 522.2.4

What is the grammar of graphics?

Week 3

Question 522.3.1

Describe how the limits of perceptual systems affect your choices of visualizations.

Question 522.3.2

What is preattentive processing and describe how it applies to visualizations you generated for your project.

Question 522.3.3

What does Gestalt psychology have to offer the field of visualization?

Question 522.3.4

What is change blindness?

Week 4

Question 522.4.1

Comment on several design principles that you used when generating visualizations for your project.

Question 522.4.2

Provide a hypothetical example of how you could lie about your project data using visualizations.

Question 522.4.3

What is chart junk? Comment on the degree to which you have chart junk in your visualizations.

Question 522.4.4

Discuss the role of ethics when creating visualizations.